Supervisory Assistance in Organization: Basis for Enhanced
Instructional Supervision for Teachers
Oriente, Victoria Susan, Alvarado, Angelito
Keywords:Supervisory Assistance, Instruction, Organization
Instructional supervision is very important as an administrator can reinforce and enhance teaching practices that can contribute to improved student learning. By skillfully analyzing performance and appropriate data, administrators can provide meaningful feedback and direction to teachers that can have a profound effect on learning that occurs in each classroom. Because the student’s learning is the primary function of the schools, the effective supervision of instruction is one of the most critical functions of the administrator. If schools provide equal access to quality educational programs for all the students, administrators must hold the teacher accountable for providing an appropriate and well-planned program. Generally, this quasi-experimental study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Project Supervisory Assistance in Organization (SAO) which was served as a basis for enhancing the instructional supervision of teachers specifically in Sta. Filomena Integrated School under the schools division office of Isabela. It is focused mainly on the instructional supervision of the school head as to the teacher’s lesson log, facilitation skills, learner’s engagement, classroom management, and learning environment as indicators. Frequency, mean, and T test was used as a statistical tool to treat the data gathered for this study. The results of this study indicate that respondents performed better after the implementation of the project Supervisory Assistance in Organization (SAO) as reflected in the mean of their post evaluation. Therefore, the researchers have concluded that the project SAO is effective for the use of school heads in instructional supervision. Furthermore, it is note taking that they presented motivation related to the topic; activated the learner’s prior knowledge and motivated them for the lesson; provided localized, contextualized indigenized/culture-based inputs for the proper and correct understanding of the concept; asked different levels of questions to develop learner’s HOTS; they gave clear instructions and arranged activities logically from simple to complex or vice-versa; and acknowledged and responded to students’ diverse learning needs.
Oriente, Victoria Susan*, Alvarado, Angelito**
*School Head, Department of Education, Schools Division of Isabela, PHILIPPINES
**Faculty, Department of Education, Schools Division of Isabela, PHILIPPINES