Technical Education Lecturers’ Knowledge of Students’ Engagement in Application of Interactive Instructional Strategies
Oviawe, Jane Itohan
Keywords: Technical education, students’ engagement, interactive instructional strategies.
This study investigated technical education lecturers’ knowledge of students’ engagement application of interactive instructional strategies using descriptive survey research design. Four research questions and four null hypotheses guided the study. The study aimed to determine technical education lecturers’ knowledge of the: meaning and levels of students’ engagement in instruction; indicators of students’ engagement in instruction; factors that influence students’ engagement in instruction; and active learning strategies that promote students’ engagement in instruction. The population for the study consisted of all (92) technical education lecturers in both universities and colleges of education (technical) in South-South Nigeria. Since the population was not large, there was no sampling. The instrument used for data collection was a 20-item questionnaire derived from literature reviewed. Five experts validated the instrument. Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument and a reliability coefficient of 0.83 was obtained. The research questions were answered using Mean statistic, while the null hypotheses were tested using t-test at .05 level of significance. The findings revealed that technical education lecturers were not adequately knowledgeable of the interactive instructional strategies that foster students’ engagement in instructions. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that students’ engagement in instruction should be emphasized in capacity building through mentoring and peer collaboration that offer technical teacher education programmes organized within tertiary institutions, by government and other stakeholders.
Oviawe, Jane Itohan
Department of Vocational and Technical Education
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, NIGERIA